Title: Tribunals
Subtitle: Transforming Society as God’s Appointed Legislators
Host: Beth Domsten
Speaker: Dr. Tom Schlueter
Date/Time: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 @ 4 pm Eastern
Have you heard what Heaven is saying lately?
God is setting the path for you, calling on you to rise as a leader, as His modern-day priest and king.
He’s inviting you to take your place in a bigger plan, to use your God-given authority to bring His will to Earth, making the Kingdom of Heaven feel a bit more like home.
So, are you ready to step up and make a real impact in your community and beyond?
Whether it’s through praying with power, voting with conviction, or stepping up to lead in government, your involvement is crucial.
And that’s exactly why I am so excited to invite you to Dr. Tom Schlueter’s webinar so that you don’t just listen to God’s call but act on it and see the change you can make.
You’ll hear from Dr. Tom Schlueter, who has not just studied these truths but lived them, leading to real change in communities.
In his upcoming webinar, “Tribunals: Transforming Society as God’s Appointed Legislators,” you will learn how God begins unveiling spiritual truths through Scriptures, refining your understanding like a doctor hones their skills through residency.
As God’s agent right here on Earth, your influence matters in every space you step into. Whether it’s in schools, government offices, the media, businesses, or within your own family, you have the power to bring everything in line with God’s Kingdom and His plans
Think about it: every part of your life has the potential to reflect your Heavenly citizenship. You’re not just living day to day—you’re shaping the world!
In this webinar, you will:
- Discover how to take charge in your community, from local government to your own household.
- Learn strategies for effective prayer that can shift the spiritual climate in tangible ways.
- Find out how to use your voice in government and advocacy to bring about godly changes.
- Gain insights into impacting education, media, and business with kingdom principles.
- Explore practical ways to integrate your heavenly citizenship into daily actions and decisions.
- Understand your calling as a modern-day priest and king, equipped to enact God’s will on Earth.
If you’re ready to discover how you can transform society as God’s appointed legislator on Earth, join us for this enlightening session with Dr. Tom!
About Dr. Tom Schlueter
Dr. Tom Schlueter has been Pastor of Prince of Peace House of Prayer, a strategic house of prayer in Arlington Texas, for 35 years. Pastor Schlueter obtained a Bachelor’s degree at Texas A&M University before receiving his Master of Divinity at Wartburg Theological Seminary. He received his Doctor of Ministry in July 2006 from Christian Leadership University in New York.
He is the Apostolic Coordinator of the Texas Apostolic Prayer Network (TXAPN). He is aligned with Apostle Dutch Sheets and his National Ekklesia International. He serves as the Texas and Regional Leader of the Reformation Prayer Network directed by Apostles Cindy and Mike Jacobs of Generals International. Dr. Schlueter is in covenant relationship with Dr. Chuck Pierce of Global Spheres International. Pastor Schlueter teaches prayer and Bible seminars locally and internationally.
He is actively involved with praying strategically for city government and workplace ministry. He has a passion to see the whole city of Arlington, Texas, the state of Texas, and the United States come into their full redemptive purpose. Dr. Tom is the author of 4 books – Tribunals: The Authority of the Ekklesia to Legislate; Return of the Priests; Keeper of the Keys, and Wielding the Axe.
He is married to Kay Sanders Schlueter, and they have three grown children and five grandchildren.
Dr. Tom did an outstanding job teaching on Tribunals, and the time set aside for decrees was powerful. I believe much transformation took place over individuals, cities, states, and nations and will continue in the days, weeks, and months to follow.😀
* We have the keys. Spend time LISTENING to God. “Lord, what do you want us to decree? What do you want us to say to lock or unlock these doors?”
* ASK God what to pray for. Don’t depend on our own mindsets (our opinions, desires, emotions).
* When we shift from petition style prayers to declaring what God told us to declare, we will see transformation in the 7 mountains of culture (business, arts/entertainment, media, government, family, education, and religion.)
* A lot of people have prayed concerning abortion. The Lord told Dr. Tom, “They are dealing with the FRUIT of the issue. I need them to deal with the ROOT. Abortion is the FRUIT on the tree of death. I need you to start decreeing LIFE.”
* Decree LIFE into mother’s wombs, planned parenthood locations, cities, states, nations.
* Decree – For God to expose everything.
There is no doubt in my mind that it was an appointed moment for Kingdom purposes when Beth and her husband, Lyn, met Dr. Schlueter who was speaking at their local church. My heart was so encouraged and my spirit empowered when Dr. Schlueter used the analogy that we are “Congress” on earth representing heaven and to pray is our “vote.” I, too, sense an urgency that we are ALL intercessors and we must take our position as legislators to decree what the Spirit of God wants to speak to the earth realm. It truly IS TIME! I am so grateful to have replay access to this powerful message!
Thank you for a very informative, insightful and reformatting teaching.
The Ecclesia is rising. Thank you Dr Schlueter. , Beth and Julie . Powerful decrees
Thank you so much for this information. It’s an answer for me concerning the next step.
Looking forward to meeting with you all.
Thank you for your help and your interest you want to enable us as servant of God to expand our boundaries in relationships with the people who we lead
Excellent teaching; I’m motivated to degree more.
Life changing, at present we are praying God’s will in the elections in India as a local church
How do you observe the 7 th day as God day of worshipe Saturday
Hi Sandy,
I recently read a book called, “Ordering Your Private World” by Gordon MacDonald.
He said, “Sabbath rest may mean a day a week. But it can happen at any time, in large and small doses, when we choose to set aside an hour or more for the pursuit of intimacy with God.”
Gordon gives excellent suggestions on how we can honor the Sabbath and slow down and rest in God. Here are a few:
1. Reflect on the work we completed that week and acknowledge its completion. Was it properly dedicated to God? Who did I do the work for? How well did I do the work? What were the results I expected? What results did I receive?
2. Spend time reading the Bible, meditating, reflecting, praying, worshipping, and thanking God. Remember who God is.
3. Refresh our belief and commitment to Jesus.
4. Remember blessed moments, and thank God for them.
5. Enter into the presence of God by meditating on His majesty and glory, and magnifying His amazing love and forgiveness.
6. Think about our future – (the upcoming week, month, or year.) Define our intentions and make dedications.
I hope this helps. Sabbath rest is a gift to us and brings refreshing and PEACE. I bless you to receive this wonderful gift.❤️