Title: Rediscovering A Woman’s Purpose
Subtitle: An Old Testament Survey for Men and Women
Host: Beth Domsten
Speaker: Luisa Rodriguez
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 22, 2022 @ 3 pm Eastern
Do we fully understand woman’s purpose on the earth according to God’s original design and plan?
Over the decades of history, so many different philosophies of the worth and function of women have been adopted.
But so many of those opinions have been just that — opinions that have not accurately reflected the heart of God and His plan, even though they were promoted as such.
What does the Word actually say about womankind?
Old Testament scriptures provide a solid foundation for understanding Biblical womanhood, particularly three main sections of scripture…
- The Image of God (Genesis 1:26-28) These verses make the connection between the phrase “in the image of God” and having dominion over creation. The idea of dominion is relevant to both men and women and speaks of a shared responsibility for stewardship over God’s creation.
- A Man’s Helper (Genesis 2:18) God further defines a woman’s purpose to be “a helper suitable for him.” Rather than accept our modern interpretations of this term, we will explore the original Hebrew to uncover how God uses this word in a very specific way and discover some fascinating insights into God’s design for women.
- The” Ideal” Woman (Proverbs 31) This much quoted chapter has been cited countless times as the example of the perfect, virtuous wife. God, however, uses some interesting military imagery throughout the passage that enlightens and enhances what has been our view on the role of woman.
These three sections of Scripture help lay the groundwork for understanding Biblical womanhood and also the foundation for a more accurate Biblical interpretation of the New Testament. It doesn’t subtract from a man’s role as the head of his wife, for example, but it certainly elevates woman to both her benefit, and man’s—but all for God’s glory.
If you are interested in rediscovering a woman’s purpose, you will not want to miss this webinar!
About Luisa Rodriguez
Luisa is the wife of a retired Marine and a mom to two girls. She is the creator and writer of FruitfullyLiving.com, a website that helps women understand their God-given roles and purpose according to Scriptures. She is also the creator and writer for BiblicalWarfare.com.
Also an author, Luisa’s books include A Royal Mission, a Christian fairytale that teaches young girls about identity and purpose; Preparing Our Daughters for Puberty, a mother-daughter Bible study; and Holy Boundaries: Sexuality Bible Study for Teens and Parents. She is also the creator and designer of numerous notebooks and journals.
What a beautiful presentation of biblical truth regarding womanhood! It was a sharp contrast to the distorted, dark and confused views of the man and woman relationship so prevalent in our nation and in the world. God’s design is and always will be perfect. Luisa brought clarity as she shared scriptures highlighting the significant and invaluable role of the woman especially in the marriage covenant. It was a refreshing message and was a great reminder to help others realize their value and true identity in Christ. Our breakout group was in full agreement of the importance to take every opportunity to affirm the unique role and value of the beautiful women around us. Thank you Luisa!
Luisa did an outstanding job empowering women and laying the foundation for understanding Biblical womanhood! She also shared some insights and words of wisdom for men.
Everyone needs a firm foundation. We can’t be effective in standing up for justice if we don’t realize our true potential, identity, and authority. Knowing we have worth and value gives us confidence and boldness.
People of all ages struggle with lack of self worth. An important point Luisa stressed was, “Tell young girls (and women) that they were created in the image of God.” We need to tell them this often because they need to understand they have the imprint of God’s image on their body. Everyone should be treated with love and respect because we are ALL created in God’s image. God gave us our worth.
I loved how Luisa used personal testimonies to further explain her teaching. Her Guatemala missionary trip experience and testimony of how she was able to save her husband’s life were insightful and inspiring.
Like men, women are mighty, strong, and are warriors. Jesus has given women responsibilities, strengths, skills, knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual power to help their husbands and others. The revelation Luisa shared on Proverbs 31 was wonderful.
Here are the action steps Luisa gave us to help apply what we learned based on her teaching.
Men – “How would this change your interaction and your experience with your wife, your sisters, your daughters?”
Women – “How would this change the view of yourself and God’s expectations of you?”
Everyone- “How did this contribute to your area of justice or the ministry that you are involved in?”
I hope you will be blessed by Luisa’s teaching.
Remember: You are fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:14)
I bless you to KNOW your purpose and to FULFILL all that God has created you for!