Title: Rescue1
Subtitle: Anointed to Bring God’s Light, Love, and Restoration to The Darkest Areas of The World!
Host: Beth Domsten
Speakers: Matt Sorger
Date/Time: Friday, April 1, 2022 @ 1 pm Eastern

1.8 million children are trafficked each year across the globe.

How can we bring God’s Justice to those in darkness? The helpless and vulnerable?

In 2004, Matt Sorger was visiting the nation of India. On this trip, he witnessed first-hand the abuse of children on the street. Not only did he see orphaned children being taken advantage of by “handlers” who used them to beg and make money, but he also saw young children offering themselves sexually.

At that moment, he made a decision to help these voiceless, defenseless children.

After Matt & Stephanie Sorger married in 2014, they launched Rescue1. Together, with a team of dedicated men and women in southern India, they rescued 165 children from abandonment, sex trafficking, brothels & temple prostitution and brought them under the care of Rescue1.

Rescue1’s mission is to rescue sex-trafficked and abandoned children in the world’s darkest places. Rescue1 not only feeds hungry children but provides full care support to those children who have suffered the trauma of sex trafficking, giving the children the opportunity to find Jesus as their Savior.

To this date, over 200 children have been rescued. The goal is to save 1,500 children. Unlike many other relief organizations, Rescue1 goes into the hardest places on the planet, reaching into both Christian and non-Christian regions.

Rescue1 is rapidly growing and expanding thanks to its amazing sponsor family. It currently has locations in India, the Philippines, Mexico, and Thailand. 


During this session, you will:

    • Discover what makes Rescue1 unique and how it is a “Full Care” organization
    • Learn how Rescue1 rescues and cares for children enslaved in sex-trafficking
    • Understand how Rescue1 operates in Christian and non-Christian nations
    • Find out how you can save a child from sex slavery, prostitution and pornography rings
    • Learn how you are anointed to be the solution!

Blessings to know you are ANOINTED as the solution for the ONE!


Matt Sorger is a prophetic minister who carries a unique anointing that fills entire rooms with the tangible glory of God, with many saved, healed, and set free. Matt is a strong preacher and teacher of God’s Word who mentors and equips the body of Christ to live in the realm of God’s power and glory. He has impacted the globe, ministering in over 35 nations, and has reached over 200 nations by television and media. Matt and his wife Stephanie oversee Rescue1, rescuing children from trafficking worldwide. Their vision is to see at least 1,500 children set free.